Tuesday 27 November 2012

Baby socks (free pattern)

Gauge 30rows=10cm 23st=10cm
Needles 3mm

Cast on 32st
R1-11 *K1,P1* repeat between**

R12-43 Knit Heel (short rows) Work with 16st only put other 16 st on hold
R1 K15 wt
R2 P14 wt
R3 K13 wt
R4 P12 wt
R5 K11 wt
R6 P10 wt
R7 K9 wt
R8 P8 wt
R9 K7 wt
R10 P6 wt
R11 S1 K6 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R12 S1 P7 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R13 S1 K8 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R14 S1 P9 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R15 S1 K10 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R16 S1 P11 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R17 S1 K12 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R18 S1 P13 (picking up the loop on the last st)
R19 S1 K14 (picking up the loop on the last st) K16(which were on hold) K1 picking up the last loop
Knit another 19 rows

R1 *SSK K6 repeat between**
R2 *K1 SSK K4* repeat between**
R3 *K2 SSK K2* repeat between**
R4 *K3 SSK* repeat between**
R5 *SSK K2* repeat between**
R6 *K1 SSK* repeat between**
R7 *SSK* repeat between**
Pull yarn through the left st and you're done Happy knitting :)


  1. Replies
    1. Wrap and turn. Check some videos on you tube if you're not familiar with it, there are lots of good ones.
