Friday 2 December 2011

Kids Neck Warmer (free pattern)

Have finished this one few weeks ago, but took some time to move the pattern here.

I have done it to my 4year-old boy. It matches the Snow Hat I have made earlier.
I think neck warmers like this is great for kids, as all they have to do is just pull it over the head and neck and chest is perfectly covered.


You will need:
3.25 circular needles/double end needles
4ply yarn of three different colours
Scrap yarn

24st = 10cm
29rows = 10cm

CO - cast on
R - row
S1 - slip one
K1 - knit one
P1 - purl one
A1 - add one (by pulling a loop from previous row)
K2tog/P2tog - knit/purl two together
LS - left shoulder
RS - right shoulder
WT - wrap and turn
Rep** - Repeat as in between **


R1 - S1; K20,
R2 - S1; A1; P21; A1; P1,
R3 - S1; A1; K21; A1; K1,
R4 - S1; A1; P23; A1; P1,
R5 - S1; A1; K25; A1; K1,
R6 - S1; A1; P27; A1; P1,
R7 - S1; A1; K29; A1; K1,
R8 - S1; A1; P31; A1; P1,
R9 - S1; A1; K33; A1; K1,
R10 - S1; A1; P35; A1; P1,
R11 - S1; A1; K37; A1; K1,
R12 - S1; A1; P39; A1; P1,
R13 - S1; A1; K41; A1; K1,
R14 - S1; Purl
R15 - S1; A1; K43; A1; K1,
R16 - S1; Purl,
R17 - S1; A1; K45; A1; K1,
R18 - S1; Purl,
R19 - S1; A1; K47; A1; K1,
R20 - S1; Purl,
R21 - S1; A1; K49; A1; K1  (53st in total),
R22-R59 - Knit/Purl all row, (I have added a snow flake pattern starting on the 22row, 3-4st from the left side. I have used the same pattern as with the hat, just snowflake on its own).

Front SHOULDERS (knitting both shoulders using short rows at the same time)
R60 - LS - S1; K17; K2tog; move 13 st on a scrap yarn; - RS - take another yarn K2tog; K18,
R61 - RS - S1; P16; P2tog; - LS - P2tog; P17,
R62 - LS - S1 ; K15; K2tog; - RS - K2tog; K16,
R63 - RS - S1; P14; P2tog; - LS - P2tog, P15,
R64 - LS - S1; K13; K2tog;  - RS - K2tog; K10; WT,
R65 - RS - P9; P2tog; - LS - P2tog; P9; WT,
R66 - LS - K10; - RS - RS - S1; K6; WT,
R67 - RS - P5; P2tog; - LS - P2tog; P5; WT,
R68 - LS - K6; - RS - S1; K2; WT,
R69 - RS - P3; - LS - S1; P2; WT,
R70 - LS - K3; - RS - S1; K12 (picking up the loops),
R71 - RS - slip 13st; - LS - S1; P12 (picking up the loops).


R1 - S1; K20,
R2 - S1; A1; P21; A1; P1,
R3 - S1; A1; K21; A1; K1,
R4 - S1; A1; P23; A1; P1,
R5 - S1; A1; K25; A1; K1,
R6 - S1; A1; P27; A1; P1,
R7 - S1; A1; K29; A1; K1,
R8 - S1; A1; P31; A1; P1,
R9 - S1; A1; K33; A1; K1,
R10 - S1; A1; P35; A1; P1,
R11 - S1; A1; K37; A1; K1,
R12 - S1; A1; P39; A1; P1,
R13 - S1; A1; K41; A1; K1,
R14 - S1; Purl
R15 - S1; A1; K43; A1; K1,
R16 - S1; Purl,
R17 - S1; A1; K45; A1; K1,
R18 - S1; Purl,
R19 - S1; A1; K47; A1; K1,
R20 - S1; Purl,
R21 - S1; A1; K49; A1; K1  (53st in total),
R22-R30 -Purl/Knit (accordingly) all row

Back SHOULDERS (knitting both shoulders using short rows at the same time)
R31 - S1; K48; WT,
R32 - P45; WT,
R33 - K42; WT,
R34 - LS - P8; P2tog; move 19st on a scrap yarn; - RS - P2tog; P8; WT,
R35 - RS - K7; K2tog; - LS - K2tog; K3; WT,
R36 - LS - P2; P2tog; - RS - P2tog; P3; WT,
R37 - RS - K2; K2tog; - LS - K2tog; K12 (picking up loops),
R38 - LS - slip 13st; - RS - S1; P12 (picking up loops),

Put both pieces together facing purl sides together. Use Kitchener Stitch to connects back and front into one piece.
Take a crochet hook and use Crab Stitch to finish all around the body part. I used blue yarn, just as on the hat.


You will use 13st from the front, which were moved onto a scrap yarn and 19st from the back piece. You will also need to pull new stitches on both sides. 28 on the left and 28 on the right. I start with left shoulder's yarns left from Kitchener stitch.

R1 -, Pull out new 14st; K13 (front stitches); Pull new 28st; K19 (back stitches); Pull new 14st. You should have stitches all around the neck. Total 88st.
R2 - R50 - *K2; P2*; Rep**,

FINISHING with Tubular Bind Off. Starting with 2knit stitches.
R51 - *K2; bring yarn to the front; S2; take yarn to the back*; Rep**,
R52 - *S2; take yarn to the front; P2; take yarn to the back*; Rep**,

Move all knit st to one needle and all the purl st to the other. Use the Kitchener Stitch/Grafting to finish off.

Pull in all the loose yarn ends and you have a great finished item.


  1. Labai grazus ir saunus daikciukas, saunuole tu musu ;)
    Vis galvoju reikia eit pas tave pasimokyt kaip sali nusimegst sau paciai :)

  2. :) Prasom prasom. Pamokysiu :) Tik nezinau kas rase :)
